Dear Friends,
This blog will provide a forum to share the unique life stories of our Art of Living global family. I am asking all contributors to stick to the prescribed format and length! Please provide a picture and quick personal background, and then BRIEFLY share your Art of Living experience. I'll get it kick started : )
Thank you all and enjoy!!!
Personal: I was born in Chennai, India but grew up entirely in San Francisco, CA. I graduated from Tufts University and then went on to do my MBA at the University of Oxford in England - see photo : ) - I've worked for the World Bank for about 4 years and a bunch of other places - I've travelled around to about 50+ countries so far - love to globetrot. My parents and younger brother, Girish, live in California - although Girish is moving soon - going to be a freshman at Fordham University in September 2010.
AOL Experience: I met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Washington DC in 2002. He delivered one of the best and most timely lectures I have heard on "The Globalization of Wisdom", talking specifically about the need for knowledge and wisdom from all parts of the globe to be acknowledged and respected. I went on to take the Art of Living course shortly thereafter, it was offered at the World Bank for staff. Since that point, I have gone on to take many advanced programs of the Art of Living, as well as the Teacher's Training Course. In 2008, I became a Youth and Corporate teacher for the Foundation.
There have been so many spectacular experiences I've had with AOL. One such experience happened in 2005 outside Surat, Gujurat - as I saw first hand AOL's tremendous social transformation capability. I witnessed a powerful celebration following the completion of 100 homes built through the 5H Program (Health, Homes, Hygiene, Human Values, and Harmony) - all led by young people from the local tribal villages - who also led the celebrations.

The journey so far has been nothing short of remarkable - as every facet of my life - be it health, personal relationships and development, career success, etc. - has thrived and continues to do so.
Interesting. Very. :-D