Thursday, October 28, 2010

Beatriz V. Goyoaga Art of Living Experience

Journalist, Foreign Correspondent, Former Competitive Horse Rider

I am a journalist from Spain and a citizen of the world. My dad was the General Attorney Public for the Spanish army, and my mum a lady of noble birth. My partner was an Italian Marquis, and also world champion in horse show jumping. I worked in Latin America as a foreign correspondent and headed a press office with 14 major publications, specialized in politics and economics.  I learned also seven languages. For 25 years I was a successful competition horse rider. Since the dawn of my life God has blessed me with a fascinating life.

Adventures around the world

I started looking for something more in life since I was seventeen.  I left my parental home to live in England, then in France, Germany, the USA and Argentina.. There was something in me that told me that life was more than fun, work, challenges, gin & tonic and sex.

For my 40th birthday I started a trip around the globe of 355 days interviewing queens and bedouins, beggars and terrorists. I climbed mount Everest twice, lived in the North Pole with the reindeer farmers, crossed Africa on the back of a truck as well as Siberia,  I sailed the Antarctic to the south pole on an ice breaker and traveled through the burning desserts of Arabia and the Yemen.  I worked in war torn countries like Afghanistan and Lebanon, In all these years I met and interviewed amazing people like Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, George Bush, the Dalia Lama,  Her Royal Highness Queen of England and many more.

But nothing, absolutely nothing, means as much to me as having met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, having heard my name from his lips and  being able to serve his wonderful foundation.

Sri Sri visits Argentina 2008
Meeting with Guruji

Finally I met Guruji in a crowded conference hall at the most respected theater of Argentina. My husband would always take me to these places, and I would always go to sleep for I was not interested in spirituality. However, on this occasion I did not sleep but rather I was woken up! Literally,  that day I started a new life. At the end of the conference it was announced that people could go and meet the Sri Sri, I quickly said "What for, Let's go and have a drink". I repented for years to come.

Nevertheless we were touched enough to take the Art of Living course for stress management.  I wept and laughed and felt that life was a dream of love. Of course it took me about a year to fully accept this gentle, long haired person I did not know.  My left brain used to say,  "I am a catholic I need no Indian Master". I even put his photograph in a drawer, face down, so I need not see him when opening the drawer. But my heart said something else. I felt soft when I thought of him and a smile would appear on my face.

Teaching Art of Living to thousands

I had done 26 courses in little over a year. I then became a teacher. Since then I have taught tens of thousands,  from people in prisons to heads of governments, doctors,  deans of universities, CEO's, housewives and thousands of students.

I have encountered strong opposition from my family in Spain and suffered in silence the destitution. But nothing will make me change my mind or life style. I know now that I have come to this world to serve and spread this knowledge. Nothing absolutely nothing is more important than bringing the Knowledge Guruji has put together to uplift the human spirit from sorrow and desperation to freedom and serenity. In all of these years he has never asked me to do any thing, never demanded or questioned any thing. He allows me to flow, work in freedom and expand.

These days I am capable of crossing the globe just to spend a few hours in the presence of Sri silence. Sri Sri's love and presence is amazing. I recharge my batteries to go on another tour of helping Latin Americans switch from crime to peace, from complains to gratitude and from stress to freedom.


  1. amazing experience My lovely teacher and beautiful queen!!
    JGD Gabriel Goransky!!!

  2. Hey !! I thought you were MY lovely teacher and beautiful queen ;-) Gracias Bea por transmitir todo lo que has aprendido. Thanks !! Pedro

  3. Beatriz, Thanks for your passion to transmit the way to think outside de box. Myriam

  4. It warmed my heart to read this experience. Jai Gurudev!

  5. Bea eres mi fuente de inspiración ... al recorrer con mis ojos tu letter comenzo a sonar tu voz dentro de mi como si lo estuvieras contando en vivo y en directo. tu sacas mi mejor versión JGD love


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