Environmental Engineer, Musician, YES !+ Teacher
YES!+ is the most empowering thing I have ever experienced in my life and I highly recommend it to anyone regardless of your beliefs, religion, race or feelings. It doesn't even matter if you're working towards developing yourself into a stronger, more professional, and more empowered individual because it's going to happen automatically if you commit to this program. All 6 classes are strictly mandatory for a reason.
My experience with Art of Living and the YES!+ program is very simple: In 2005, I was considering dropping out of Dalhousie Engineering because I hated everything about it including the students, the courses and the
professors. All I wanted to do was play music and nothing else. My grades were horrible. I took the Art of Living course once during my winter exam period (I had 6 exams) and from that point on I started getting incredible grades in every single class and kept such an unshakable smile on my face every day.
I kept taking Art of Living courses every 4-6 months and when YES!+ was first offered I took it immediately and repeated the course every so often. I graduated with both a Diploma in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Engineering with specializations in Environmental Science, Law and Ethics. My goal was to begin work in the Renewable Energy Sector and continue with multiple music projects. I am now 2 years out of University and I am already running my own division at Scotian Renewables Incorporated in my city of choice. On the side, I have composed and produced three records with local musicians, our music is featured regularly on CBC Radio 1, 2 and 3. And this is only the beginning.
Experiences from YES+ Winter Break at the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore
I'm 25 years old now, and I teach this course voluntarily in the evenings, so that others can experience what I have, and achieve their life goals before they turn 30 so they can move on to something else.
All I can say is that this course is so completely different than anything else I have done, it is unpredictable, challenging, makes me feel fulfilled physically, emotionally, and mentally. The Art of Living isn't anything complicated, it's simple, and it just happens to be shockingly effective.
YES!+ is entirely worth the time commitment. At no point did I feel this course was something I needed in my life, I just did it, and my life went from "acceptable" to "incredible". Now, only after 5 years, everything I put my mind to becomes effortless.
New Year Wishes
A poor man celebrates New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day.
But the richest man celebrates every moment. How rich are you? Do you
1 week ago
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